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OPERATION TERROR la película sobre los autoatentados del 11S

Publicado por mariano68, 06 de Mayo de 2016, 12:52:53 AM

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Esta película de una productora norteamericana independiente muestra lo que realmente aconteció hace ya más de 14 años.
No se estrenó en Argentina pero puede encargarse el DVD por correo a un precio de 30u$s.

'Operation Terror' — The Hollywood 9/11 Thriller Banned from Theaters

The Hollywood 9/11 Thriller that is Banned from the Theaters

James McCullough from the mysterious "Council" gives a special assignment to CIA agent Aaron Delgado to attack the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and pin the blame on Muslim Terrorists. Delgado and fellow agents, Phillip Singer and Chase Jordan, work with a group of unsuspecting engineers to develop unmanned jets that will hit their assigned targets. The Army and the FBI begin to uncover the plot, forcing Delgado to intervene. The CIA agents also have to deal with an increasingly suspicious George Poole, the lead engineer working on the drones, who becomes skeptical on how the remote controlled planes will be used. A battle between good and evil ensues as the plot to attack America becomes a hard-hitting reality.

This thriller tells the story of how the destruction of the World Trade Center towers might have been accomplished as an inside job. The story is told from the viewpoint of the participants. The whole operation is done as a top secret project started at the direction of an elite member of "The Council" (conspiracy buffs will immediately recognize who they are) and coordinated by a small team of CIA agents assigned the job. A team of aerospace engineers is assembled to design the remote-controlled planes for the attack and is sworn to secrecy, even to the point of not specifying how the planes are to be used. ("That information is above our pay grade.") The filmmakers went to quite some trouble to use as much publicly available information about 9/11 as possible, such as Secretary of Transportation Norman Maneta's account of what took place on 9/11 in the Presidential command center deep beneath the White House, using the exact dialog as given by Maneta. 9/11 may not have happened exactly as depicted in this film, but it does conform to what most of us have been able to find. Kudos to director/actor Paul Cross and producer Art Olivier for getting the most "bang" out of a shoestring budget.

The 9/11 story you are not supposed to know

World Trade Center Building 7 was a 47 story high-rise that housed the CIA, Secret Service, IRS, Securities and Exchange Commission, the Mayor's Office of Emergency Management, Salomon Smith Barney and other financial companies. Explosions were going off inside the building before the collapse of either one of the Twin Towers. At 5:21 pm, the WTC 7 was completely destroyed in a controlled demolition.

Operation Terror puts together the under reported events of the 9/11 attacks into a gripping political thriller. The movie includes Able Danger, the arrest of Zacarias Moussaoui, BBC announcing the collapse of Building 7 before it happened, nanothermite in the Twin Towers, the empty hole in Shanksville, the small hole in the Pentagon, Dick Cheney in the Whitehouse EOC, the NASA facility in Cleveland, and much, much more. Even though there are fictional characters mixed in with the perpetrators and the victims, viewers will discover more truth in this feature film than they would by watching a decade of nightly news programs.

Post unidos: 06 de Mayo de 2016, 12:59:41 am

Por primera vez desde su estreno podemos ver en Internet la película sobre el autoatentado del 11S (9/11): OPERATION TERROR.

El problema que está en ingles. Para el que lo entienda a disfrutarla:

9/11 Was an Inside Job


9/11 Was an Inside Job