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La vida en Corea del Norte

Publicado por mariano68, 23 de Octubre de 2017, 11:33:23 PM

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"Quien te lastima te hace fuerte, quien te critica te hace importante, quien te envidia te hace valioso, y a veces es divertido saber que aquellos que te desean lo peor, tienen que soportar que te ocurra lo mejor"


Cita de: Contact♥♥ en 15 de Diciembre de 2021, 07:44:21 PM

Este es un viaje en tren desde la frontera con China hasta la capital de Corea del Norte: Pyongyang. Fue grabado en 2019.
Impresionante como se inundan los campos y eso que todavía no se habían producido los tifones durante la pandemia. La están pasando mal los norcoreanos porque además de los campos destruidos y/o inundados cerraron las fronteras para que no se filtre el coronavirus. Y con eso se perdieron los ingresos por turismo que son muy importantes en dicho país, especialmente el que viene de China (80% del total).
9/11 Was an Inside Job


2021年9月9日 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国創建73周年慶祝 民間及び安全武力閲兵式 より


El hombre más querido. La alegría del pueblo.

9/11 Was an Inside Job


Pyongyang: Demonstration to support Decisions of 4th Plenary Meeting of 8th Party Central Committee

Pyongyang, January 6 (KCNA) -- A Pyongyang city rally took place at Kim Il Sung Square Wednesday to vow to carry through the decisions of the 4th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK).
The platform of the rally was taken by Kim Tok Hun, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee, vice-president of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and premier of the Cabinet.
Attending the rally were senior Party and government officials and city officials, labor innovators and officials of institutions, industrial establishments and farms, working people and youth and students in the city.
Kim Yong Hwan, alternate member of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee and chief secretary of the Pyongyang City Committee of the WPK, made a report.
The 4th Plenary Meeting of the 8th WPK Central Committee proudly reviewed the first year's work for implementing the decisions of the Party Congress and set forth the grand fighting goal and tasks for glorifying this year as a great watershed in the revolutionary development and a new programme for the socialist rural construction, the reporter noted, saying:
Let us strive for our great state's prosperity and development and our people's wellbeing. This is the great patriotic call made by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un and it is a fighting slogan that should be cherished deep in the minds of all the people out in the struggle to carry out the tasks set forth at the plenary meeting of the Party Central Committee.
Saying that 2022 is a significant year marking the 110th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung and the 80th birth anniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Il and a year of great importance in the historic struggle toward a rosy tomorrow, the reporter called on all the officials, Party members, working people and other citizens in the city to defend the Party Central Committee politically, ideologically and at the cost of their lives and glorify this significant year as a year of great revolutionary events to be etched in the history of the DPRK, cherishing the high pride and sense of duty as citizens of the capital.
He stressed that though the tasks for this year are enormous and manifold difficulties disturb the Korean people's advance, greater glory is in store for them as the great Party is always with them and the ever-victorious banner of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism leads them to a fresh victory.
Then speeches were made.
The speakers said they hardened their unshakable faith through the last year's great struggle that they don't fear any difficulties as they are led by the respected General Secretary and they can surely perform world-startling miracles and changes this year, too, when they do everything as instructed by him.
They expressed the determination of Pyongyang citizens to take the lead in implementing the benevolent policy of the mother Party that takes warm care of the people, being entirely responsible for their destiny.
They called on all the agricultural workers to dedicate themselves to farming so as to make this significant year a year of bumper crop and great successes in the agricultural sector.
They expressed the will of intellectuals to dynamically wage the struggle to devotedly defend the Party Central Committee and bring earlier the comprehensive prosperity of Korean-style socialism by achieving signal scientific and educational achievements, as befits the revolutionary intellectuals brought up under the care of the Party.
They also evinced the will of the young people in the capital city to take the lead in performing difficult and arduous tasks in every economic construction site and to continue setting new standards and records by waging a hot collective emulation campaign and performing miracles.
The speakers said that it is a firm pledge of the officials, Party members and working people in the city out in the new year's advance to unconditionally and thoroughly implement the grand practical programme set forth by the Party.
A letter of pledge to the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un was adopted at the rally.
Then there was a mass demonstration.
Flying the Party flag, national flag of the Republic and red flags, officials, working people and youth and students in the city including workers, farmers, intellectuals, primary information workers of the Party and members of the women's union marched past the square, responding to the chant of revolutionary and militant slogans.
9/11 Was an Inside Job


北朝鮮 「2022年、旧正月祝砲発射 (2022년 설명절 축포발사)KCTV 2022/02/02 日本語字幕付き

9/11 Was an Inside Job


North Korea - 4k - Pyongyang City

9/11 Was an Inside Job


Generalmente se ven videos de la capital de Corea del Norte. En este veremos pueblos y ciudades del interior profundo de dicho país.

9/11 Was an Inside Job


Kim Jong-un asiste a la ceremonia de aniversario de la muerte de su padre.

9/11 Was an Inside Job


"Quien te lastima te hace fuerte, quien te critica te hace importante, quien te envidia te hace valioso, y a veces es divertido saber que aquellos que te desean lo peor, tienen que soportar que te ocurra lo mejor"


El pueblo del Mariscal: 10 días en Corea del Norte
"Quien te lastima te hace fuerte, quien te critica te hace importante, quien te envidia te hace valioso, y a veces es divertido saber que aquellos que te desean lo peor, tienen que soportar que te ocurra lo mejor"


Día Internacional de la mujer en Corea del Norte
8 mar 2022

9/11 Was an Inside Job


  Invierno en Pyongyang | NEW DPRK

9/11 Was an Inside Job


Para los fundamentalistas como margii todo es blanco o negro. Pero no, también hay tonos de grises como los norteamericanos que desertaron a Corea del Norte e hicieron su familia allí y hoy tienen hijos que son grandes militantes de la causa del "líder".

El soldado estadounidense que desertó a Corea del Norte: James Dresnok

9/11 Was an Inside Job


푸옹 Phuong DPRK Daily

El 24 de marzo de 2021 y en plena pandemia Kim jong-Un declaraba inaugurada la obra para un nuevo barrio de super lujo en Pyongyang.

Este barrio se construyó sin las famosas "inversiones extranjeras" sino solo con plata del Estado Coreano.

El 13 de abril de 2022 en plena primavera y en tiempo record culminó la primera etapa del proyecto que consta de 10.000 departamentos nuevos y una torre de 80 pisos.
Así se sigue renovando la cara de Pyongyang, cada día más bonita y majestuosa.

Kim Jong Un attends Inaugural Ceremony for 10,000 Flats in Pyongyang

Poco a poco los departamentos se irán poblando con los elementos más valiosos de Corea del Norte o sea la elite o aristocracia coreana.

Debido a la feroz censura que se da en Occidente si estos videos son borrados busquenlos en:

9/11 Was an Inside Job


Para margii que lo mira por TV

Mientras EE.UU. y Europan decaen a ojos vistas, sin inversiones extranjeras, en plena pandemia y en tiempo récord, a la velocidad de Chollima Pyongyang está renovando completamente el aspecto de la ciudad.

Kim Jong Un asiste a la ceremonia inaugural de 800 casas aterrazadas.

Kim Jong Un attends Inaugural Ceremony for 800 Terraced Houses - Ri Chun Hi got New Apartment

Impresionantes logros del Partido de los Trabajadores de Corea del Norte.
9/11 Was an Inside Job